Tuesday, November 2, 2010

03-11-2010It Can Never Happen To Me


6 至 於 我 , 我 凡 事 平 顺 便 说 : 我 永 不 动 摇 。

7 耶 和 华 啊 , 你 曾 施 恩 , 叫 我 的 江 山 稳 固 ; 你 掩 了 面 , 我 就 惊 惶 。

8 耶 和 华 啊 , 我 曾 求 告 你 ; 我 向 耶 和 华 恳 求 , 说 :

9 我 被 害 流 血 , 下 到 坑 中 , 有 甚 麽 益 处 呢 ? 尘 土 岂 能 称 赞 你 , 传 说 你 的 诚 实 麽 ?

10 耶 和 华 啊 , 求 你 应 允 我 , 怜 恤 我 ! 耶 和 华 啊 , 求 你 帮 助 我 !

11 你 已 将 我 的 哀 哭 变 为 跳 舞 , 将 我 的 麻 衣 脱 去 , 给 我 披 上 喜 乐 ,

12 好 叫 我 的 灵 ( 原 文 是 荣 耀 ) 歌 颂 你 , 并 不 住 声 。 耶 和 华 ─ 我 的   神 啊 , 我 要 称 谢 你 , 直 到 永 远 !












It Can Never Happen To Me

Actor Christopher Reeve was para- lyzed in a horseback riding accident in 1995. Prior to this tragedy, he had played the part of a paraplegic in a movie. In preparation, Reeve visited a rehabilitation facility. He recalled: “Every time I left that rehab center, I said, ‘Thank God that’s not me.’ ” After his accident, Reeve regretted that statement: “I was so setting myself apart from those people who were suffering without realizing that in a second that could be me.” And sadly, for him, it was.

We too may look at the troubles of others and think that it could never happen to us. Especially if our life journey has led to a measure of success, financial security, and family harmony. In a moment of vanity and self-sufficiency, King David admitted to falling into the trap of feeling invulnerable: “Now in my prosperity I said, ‘I shall never be moved’” (Ps. 30:6). But David quickly caught himself and redirected his heart away from self-sufficiency. He remembered that he had known adversity in the past and God had delivered him: “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing” (v.11).

Whether He has brought us blessing or trial,

God still deserves our gratitude and trust.

I can always count on God, my heavenly Father,
For He changes not; He always is the same;
Yesterday, today, forever, He is faithful,
And I know He loves me, praise His holy name.

In good times and bad, our greatest need is God.

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